There are a lot of copywriters out there who like to put in a lot of “hype” in their sales letters. They will use 3-4 adjectives in each sentence, a lot of exclamation points, and make a lot of “over-the-top” promises.
This is mostly in the “make money online” and “internet marketing” niches, but it’s prevalent everywhere.
As a professional copywriter, I have learned that using hype in sales copy usually ends up falling flat. Yes, there are a lot of A-list copywriters using it but here are 3 considerations you have to take into account before writing copy:
1) Don’t put in your sales letter what you wouldn’t say to someone in person.
This is a rule I learned from several top copywriting teachers and it has always worked for me. When I write a sales letter I constantly ask myself, “Would I say something to this person if I were talking to them at a bar or restaurant?”
For example, I have seen this line over and over again in sales copy when it comes to make money online products:
“When you use (insert product/service/etc.) you’re going to be able to suck cash out of your customer’s wallets like a vacuum on steroids!”
Now ask yourself: if you were sitting across from your target prospect at a bar or restaurant would you say this in person? Would this be a statement that would engender trust in your prospect so they will buy from you?
Chances are, it doesn’t.
Now onto the next point:
2) Take into consideration that your prospect probably has been “pitched” before.
Chances are, your prospect has seen another ad in your market. They’ve seen the same promises and claims..and hype…from other marketers.
Which means if you write your pitch in the same overblown hype, your prospect is going to think to themselves:
“Oh great, another hyped up sales pitch promising I’ll be able to make a million dollars in 15 minutes with no effort. Yeah right.”
This is where you can approach your prospect from a “lower key” perspective…as if you just sat down with them in a bar or restaurant and struck up a conversation. They will see you as a breath of fresh air and they’ll listen to you more.
Public speaker Brian Tracy once stated that when he was in sales he would position himself not as a salesman…but as a consultant. When he would approach people as a salesman they would immediately shut the doors on him and wouldn’t give him the time of day.
However, when he would position himself as a consultant whose job is to help, he would be invited in to the office, offered a cup of coffee….and eventually get the sale.
This is how you need to position yourself in your copy…as a consultant. Not a loud, overhyped salesman.
3) Be a welcome guest, not an annoying pest.
People buy from whom they trust. Period. If people do not trust you, then chances are they are not going to buy from you.
I was shopping for a new car 5 years ago and walked onto a lot. A salesman came up to me and asked me, “What will it take for me to sell you this car?” and started to become a little pushy. He immediately became an “annoying pest” in my eyes and I told him, “Have a nice day” and walked away.
That experience soured me on buying a car from that company. I ended up buying a car from a company, and salesman, that genuinely cared about me.
This person was a “welcome guest”.
So keep all these points in mind the next time you write your sales copy. Don’t assume because “Copywriter X” uses hype in copy that you have to as well.
If you want to study a copywriter that knows how to be a “welcome guest”, study Gary Halbert. All his past newsletters can be found on He knew how to make the sale without being too “over-the-top” with his copy.
Until next time, take care!
Kevin Hill
“The Professor Of High Response”