The 1 Thing That Can Catapult Your Opt-In Rate On Your Landing Page

I’ve been writing copy for the past 7 years and I’ve seen some nice…and some horrible…squeeze pages in my day.

Most of these squeeze pages (or lead generator pages…but in this blog post I’m going to call them squeeze pages) give away the same stuff:

A free report. A free 7-day e-course.


This blog post will give you 3 excellent ideas you can implement that’ll allow you to boost your opt-in rate on your squeeze page. All of these come down to one simple thing:

The offer you’re giving to your prospect when they enter their name and email address!

So here goes:

1) Offer A Checklist Or Cheatsheet

Checklists or cheatsheets are excellent giveaways for squeeze pages. They’re something that allows prospects to consume quickly.  And they will get immediate benefits.

This is a perfect giveaway if you’re in a niche that is information-based. You can give away an internet marketing checklist, a “cheatsheet” on investing in Forex, or a sheet of “must-have” information on how to get a date.

And if your cheatsheet or checklist is good, they will print it out and keep it on their desk.  You basically just earned “real estate” in your prospect’s home that serves as a constant reminder of you and your business. Meaning they could contact you or buy from you when they need what you’re selling.

And they won’t throw it away like  a piece of junk-mail!

2) Offer A Free Video

Videos are in.  Big time.  The key with videos is to make sure they are not long and boring.

You can either be in the video yourself…or create a simple Camtasia or Screenflow (if you’re on a Mac) of a slideshow presentation.  Videos have higher perceived value anyway and these tend to be better “bribes” for getting someone to enter their name and email address.

A good topic for your video is “7 Secrets Most People Will NEVER Know About (insert niche)”. You’ll have a specific you can place in your copy and the whole “secrets” angle always converts well.

3) Offer An Audio Interview

Get someone to interview you for 30 minutes and offer that as your squeeze page opt-in bait. People will be able to listen to you on their iPod and the interview format is easy to consume for your target audience.

This is probably the weakest of the 3 squeeze page suggestions as most people will have to download it and put it on their mp3 player (if they do not listen on the computer).  Whereas the former suggestions can usually be consumed right away.

Free Reports Stink!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an over-used email opt-in bribe as the free report. This is 2011 and people are reading less and less these days.

Further, most people have free reports littering their hard drive …to the point that ANOTHER free report would not give them motivation to give up their email address.

People are becoming more and more guarded with their email address. You have to be different and remarkable if you’re going to get people’s attention in today’s online market.  The above suggestions will put you head and shoulders over your competition when it comes to building your list!

Until next time,

Kevin Hill

“The Professor of High Response”




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