I am usually in a very good mood. But there are times where my energy starts to wane toward the end of the day….and I start to get a little tired and “cranky”.
One could blame the emotional seesaw effect of having a Starbucks habit. “What must go up, must come down is the old sayin–and that’s especially true for anyone who has a caffeine habit…which almost made me lose a client in this post.
So I did some research and bought a book off Amazon called “The Mood Cure–The 4-Step Program To Take Charge Of Your Emotions-Today!”. You can check it out here.
This is not a book review, so I’m not going to pontificate on what the book covers. But I WILL use this book to illustrate several important copywriting concepts you should always implement in everything you write.
So let’s take the title of the book:
“The Mood Cure: The 4 Step Program To
Take Charge Of Your Emotions-Today!”
Here’s what makes this title so great:
- There is a “Specific” in the title. The title doesn’t just say: “How To Take Charge Of Your Emotions”. The program is a 4-step program. Always be specific as possible whenever writing copy. Specifics are more believable and have more impact for the prospect. And they attract more attention too.
- The title pushes the “easy and fast” button. By adding “today” at the end of her subhead, the author tells the reader they can feel better as soon as today…not 2 weeks…and not 3 weeks from now. The promise of fast relief is a good attention-getter and motivator.
- It’s a 4 step program. Not 12 steps…or 15 steps. This implies simplicity, which again implies it’s an easy program to follow—another important hot button for prospects.
- It has a Big Promise. The title promises they’ll “take charge of their emotions”…which paints a powerful “word picture” in the prospect’s mind of a life with no emotional ups and downs.
I do a lot of copy critiques and one of the things I find myself saying over and over again is, “Improve the title of your free report, book, CD, product, etc. etc.” These days, you have to think of the title of your product as a headline in itself.
That’s how Tim Ferriss decided on the title of “The 4-Hour Workweek”. He tested different pay-per-click ads with different domains—and this one was the one that got the most clicks. Because it pushed the “easy and fast” button of his prospect.
Of course, your product has to fulfill on that promise. In the Mood Cure, they propose a plan to get a hold of your emotions through dietary changes—which can take place within 10 minutes in some cases.
So remember this the next time you create your product. Does the product title have that “gotta have it!” appeal for your target market? If not, these 4 tips will help.
Talk soon,
Kevin Hill
“The Professor of High Response”