Best Part? You Don’t Have To Pay The Full $1997 When
This Program Goes Live In 3 Months!
Instead, You Can “Ride Off” With This Formula For 90% By
Getting In At This Special Founder’s Rate…
Here’s the deal: the official EF5 Copywriting Formula training goes live on June 13th at 10am PT/1pm MT. And the training runs for six weeks.
I will be recording the sessions for a future product. But you can be one of the “first movers” and get access to the training before I charge $1997 for the full program!
Dear Friend,
Let’s get to the chase without any “warm-up”
For the first time ever, I’m distilling all 15+ of my copywriting experience…
…into a simple “formula” you can simply copy and paste for your own copy.
You’ll get templates, frameworks, and everything you need to write winning copy on your own.
And the best part is you can get it for $1000-$2000 less than everyone else.
That’s right…
15+ Years Of Trial, Error, Testing, And Refining
Can Be Yours For A Fraction Of Cost…
Let’s say I’ve been “in the trenches” of many product launches…
…and some of the biggest campaigns in the world.
You’ll get to be one of the first people to “get in on this deal”…
…before I release it to the masses.
Here’s what’ll happen:
You’ll get access to 6 LIVE training lessons outlining my “EF5” copywriting formula.
You’ll get to even ask questions if you want during the live calls.
And I’ll be recording each session that’ll turn into my full-blown training that’ll run for $1997.
Why am I doing this?
Because I want to get testimonials, case studies, and awesome reviews for the program.
Here’s more about that…
So I thought the best way to do that is to get a limited number of people “in”…
…for an absolutely crazy price.
Sounds Great Kevin, I’m In! Please Save Me A
Discounted Seat To The Training.
(Plus there’s another very important reason I’ll outline later in this letter…)
Believe me, this training is needed now more than ever because let’s face it:
Writing Copy Can Be A Real
Pain In The Butt Sometimes…
You can have a winning product idea and the perfect target audience.
But if you don’t have the copy that gets them to happily buy…
…then you’re dead in the water.
Plus competition is getting intense online.
If you don’t have the copy that positions you as the “go-to” guy or gal in your industry…
…then you’re in deep trouble.
My EF5 formula will help you get off the launching pad…
…and on your way to writing awesome copy in no time.
You’ll be able to sit down to write an email, Facebook ad, or sales page…
…and you’ll know exactly what to write in order to get your prospect to say “Yes”
No second-guessing yourself.
No wondering what to write next.
No “banging your head against the wall”
Instead, you’ll be confident when you sit down at the computer…
…when you write copy.
Sound Great! No More Embarrassing
“Writer’s Block”. Count Me In.
And, don’t worry.
You won’t be writing “cookie-cutter” copy like those other templates you’ve seen online.
(That might have worked in 2004 but not today.)
That’s because your business is unique and your customers/clients are unique.
And a “one size fits all” solution just won’t cut it.
By the way:
I’m Not A “Fly By Night” Operation
Or Resting On The Glories Of Yesterday…
One of the things that bug me are people who teach strategies…
…but have never used them in their own business.
Either that or they teach stuff that worked for them 5-10 years ago…
…but they become full-time “teachers” and no longer practice their craft.
Meanwhile, time keeps ticking and their systems become more and more obsolete.
I’m “in the trenches” day in and day out writing for REAL clients…
..solving REAL marketing problems.
I still produce “wins” each and every week for my clients, including:
- Selling out 3 consecutive virtual events that generated 7 figures of revenue each
- Being instrumental in the launch of a 7-figure info-business targeting entrepreneurs.
- Winning 20+ affiliate launches from one of my clients…
- …and much much more.
Here’s more about this:
So I’m not like most “gurus” or experts who rest on past laurels…
…and sit back, relax and simply “teach” what worked in the past.
What you’ll get when you invest today is what’s working now…
…and is time, tested, and proven in today’s online business climate.
Here Are The 6 Lessons That’ll Guide You
Through The Elements Of The EF5 Formula:
Lesson #1: Grabbing Your Prospect By The Eyeballs To Get Them To Read Your Ad
This is where you get the attention of your target audience. You’ll get 200+ winning headline examples and 34 headline templates you can “copy and paste” any time.
Because let’s face it. If you don’t get the attention of your target audience, then you’re dead meat. This part of the EF5 Formula will ensure your message gets noticed and gets read.
Lesson #2: Sucking Your Prospect Into Your Copy So They Go All The Way Down The Slippery Slide
This is when we keep their attention so they don’t dare think about anything else! We’ll go over 7 killer leads you can use to suck your prospect into your copy.
Best part? You’ll also get “fill-in-the-blank” templates you can use to make the job a LOT easier.
Lesson #3: Getting Your Prospect To Subconsciously See “Your Way” Without Them Knowing It
This is what most marketers really miss out on. They simply talk to their prospect about the benefit, benefit, benefit…
…to the point that prospects get ultra skeptical and their resistance gets high.
This section reveals my strategies for influencing your prospect without them knowing it. My virtual mentor Dan Kennedy used to call it “mind-hijacking”…it’s that darn powerful.
Yes Kevin, I Want To Lock In My 90% Savings
Today Before Training Starts Next Week!
Lesson #4: Building Up The Value Of Your Offering So They Cannot Help But To Say “Yes”
This is where I help you frame the price of your offer so it’s a no-brainer. By the time your reader gets through this section, they’ll be like, “Heck yes, I want to buy.”
In fact, a lot of people make a huge mistake by saying, “Well, this product is X dollars, buy now.” I’ll show you how to really do it through this training.
Lesson #5: Creating Undisputed Proof So Your Target Audience Sees You As The #1 Choice
This is where a lot of people mess up. They think they can write an awesome pitch and the cash registers will be ringing like crazy.
I’ll show you how to create undeniable proof that boosts your believability and credibility. And it goes a lot further than simply having more testimonials!
Lesson #6: Getting Your Prospect To Gladly Whip Out Their Wallet And Buy With Confidence
You’ll also discover 7 closing templates you can simply “swipe and deploy” for your next promo. Closing is much different than saying, “OK, go ahead and order now.”
I’ll reveal how to create undeniable tension and really pull at your prospects’ heartstrings. Your prospect won’t help but finally say “yes” to your offer.
Here Are Just Some Of My Clients Who Have
Benefited From The EF5 Formula…
(In No Particular Order…Nor Is This A Complete List)
Dan Kennedy
Josh Turner
Lisa Sasevich
Ryan Moran
Brian Kaskavalciyan
Money Map Press
Agora Publishing
Sovereign Society
Craig Simpson
Jeff Lerner
Robert Skrob
Michael Rozbruch
Scott Keffer
Christian Mickelsen
Alina Vincent
Shaun Buck
Oli Billson
Dr. Chris Griffin
Michelle Prince
Tracy Enos
Tree Fine
Dr. David Phelps/Freedom Founders
Josh Marsden
Andrew Cass
Stephen Anderson
(….and many more!)
Here Are SOME Of The Golden Nuggets You’ll
Discover When You Take Action Today…
- Where your customer is really at when they’re reading your copy (you’ll be SHOCKED at the answer, but it’ll help you write better copy vs. your competitors)
- My simple 4-step formula for creating an eyeball-grabbing headline (miss out on 2-3 of these, and your headline won’t stand a chance of getting your prospect’s attention)
- Dan Kennedy’s “classified ad” test that’ll help you test the power of your headline (fail this, and you’re back to the drawing board!)
- The 3 core parts to a good sales story that’ll capture your prospect’s attention (Best part? They’re extremely easy to put in your story so you can practically mesmerize your prospect)
- The untold secret to creating “tension” in your prospect to the point they’ll want to buy your product (this is something television writers do all the time to get you to tune into the next episode!)
- How to create “open loops” in your copy that builds white-hot desire to invest in your product (Not many copywriters know how to do this!)
- The #1 “mind hack” for writing copy that’ll help you really resonate with your target audience (this will help you “tap into the prospect’s mind” a little more vs. “average” copywriters)
- How to create “word pictures” in your prospects mind that helps them create an emotional response (this is how you really move people to invest in your product/service!)
- An advanced copywriting technique that practically “tells them to buy” without them realizing it (Make sure you use this technique for the forces of good, not evil)
- …And much much more!
Just One Or Two Tips From This Training Could
Unleash An Avalanche Of Profits For You
That’s the beauty of writing good copy.
A new headline or “big idea” could help you overcome a major problem in your business…
…or unlock the hidden profits in your business.
My “virtual” mentor Gary Halbert once said, “you’re only one sales letter from success”…
…which is a testament to the power of copy.
For you, it could be a sales letter, email, or winning Facebook ad.
Maybe your website needs help in the copy department.
My EF5 Formula will lead to tons of breakthroughs and “a-ha” moments.
Yes, I Want To Whip My Copy
Into Tip-Top Shape. Let Me Join Now!
Look, I’ve been a part of campaigns when just tweaking just one word in a headline…
…led to a 300% increase in profits.
So I guarantee the lessons you’ll discover in this program will make your marketing more powerful.
You’ll no longer suffer from “heartbreak” profits where the copy is “so-so”…
…and barely makes profits.
Instead, you’ll greatly increase your batting average with your copy…
…and get more “hits” vs. “misses” compared to what you’re getting now.
This Training Will Be Worth $1997
But You Won’t Have To Pay That:
Since you’re getting in at a special “founder’s rate”, you’ll get 90% off for taking action today.
That means you only have to invest $197 since you’ll be one of my “early adopters.”
But you need to hurry.
The first training takes place on Thursday, May 27th on 10am PT/1am ET and doors will close at that time.
And if you decide to wait, you’ll have to invest $1997 for the full program.
So why not take action now and invest today…
…so you’re not kicking yourself 1-2 months from now when the full program comes out?
Believe me, you’ll thank yourself that you got in while you did.
And with everything that’s going on online…
…jumping on this could be one of the smartest decisions you’ll ever make.
Here’s why:
(Warning! This video might tick some of the “gurus” off!)
So don’t end up paying more money because you waited too long.
Get this taken care of right now, and I’ll “see” you on the 5th!
Yes Kevin, I Want To Discover Your EF5 Copywriting Formula For 90% Off!
I want to shortcut years of trial and error and “figuring it out” myself. I realize I’m getting in at a special “founders” rate since I know you’ll be recording this for a future product.
But I realize I’m getting a screamin’ deal by taking action today. That’s because I’ll have to pay $1997+ when this product goes on the market.
So, yes Kevin! Please sign me up for the special “charter” launch group for the EF5 Copywriting Formula. I realize I’m making a smart decision because you’ve already sold over $400M with your copy. So why should I reinvent the wheel?
Here’s what I’ll get:
- 6 LIVE weekly lessons on Zoom outlining every step fo the EF5 Copywriting Formula process (the first lesson starts on Thursday, May 27th at 10am PT/1pm ET.)
- Recordings of all 6 LIVE weekly lessons I can access anytime (so I don’t have to make every live session).
- Access to swipe files and templates that’ll help me implement the System much faster.
- 1 FREE Copywriting Critique ($1500 value) during the 6 weeks + 30 days at the conclusion of the LIVE training.
Yes, Please Sign Me Up For The EF5 Copywriting Formula Training At 90% Off Before Doors Close!
I realize this offer expires on Thursday,
May 26th at 10am PT before the first training!
Kevin Hill
P.S. Not having a proven system for writing copy is a dangerous place to be. Competition is getting intense online and you can get away with “wishy-washy” copy anymore.
Like one of my virtual mentors, John Carlton says, “Nothing happens until the copy gets written.” Here’s your chance to get up to speed at a fraction of what “everyone else” will have to pay. So get in before the first training starts.
P.P.S. By the way, you’re backed up by a 100% “get blown away or else” money-back guarantee. If you’re not impressed by the training, then let me know. You’ll get a full refund.
Heck, you could wake up on the wrong side of the bed for all I care. Or not like my hairstyle or the color of my shirt. I just want you to be happy. 🙂
P.P.P.S. Look, I know what it’s like to struggle with writing copy. I used to struggle all the time when I started out. It was as painful as getting a root canal sometimes.
But I’ve since “cracked the code” after 15+ in the biz. So why go through all that trial and error yourself. Just piggyback on my success and relax. Here’s where to go.